Our company has a consolidated experience in the lights sector, a sector in which we work later than 80 years, since 3 generations.
Our professionality and experience are at your service to try to meet all your requirement.
Our first and unforgettable experience overseas takes place nel 1987, in Houston, Texas, with the Dr Valerio Festi, during the “Italy in Houston”, to continue a few yars later in Valona, Albania, and since 1995 in Wakayama, Kobe, Tokio (JAP), Paris (France), Istambul (Tur), Lisbona (P), Busan, Buchon, Yongin, Deagu, Junwave, Seoul (South Korea), to arrive to another memorable experience in Pyongyang (North Korea), where we set up the city library, during the “24th April Spring Friendship Art Festival Opens” to honor the President Kim Il-Sung, father of the current President Kim Il-Jong.
In recent years, we have focused our attention on Cristhmas, that period, where all is magic and festivity, making lights structures, that cheer the longest nights of the year, doing more pleasant streets, plazas and shopping centers.